New Members Made Welcome
The club welcomes all ages from 12 upwards
Any level
Any weapon
3 Weapons fenced
Coaching at Foil, Epee and Sabre
(Membership of the British Fencing Association is a minimum requirement for insurance purposes.)
Membership fees:
Our membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August.
The annual fee may be paid as a single amount at the beginning of the year or by monthly standing order.
Visitors: Senior £10 per session, Concessions (Junior, Student & Over 65) £7.50 per session.
Annual Membership: Senior £285, Concessions (Junior, Student & Over 65) £225.
Monthly Membership: Senior per month £23.75 - Concessions (Junior, Student & Over 65) per month £18.75
10% discount for Family Membership (More than one of same household)
To JOIN, please click JOIN HERE.
You will be taken to the "Create New Account" page.
To RENEW your membership:
Pay monthly by GoCardless - click one of the buttons below:
Pay with a one-off payment - click one of the buttons below:
- Contact Treasurer for bank details and standing order forms or see our membership payment page
- Any other details - Please contact our treasurer Andrew Brown